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tv   Washington This Week  CSPAN  August 12, 2012 6:30pm-8:00pm EDT

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and it sits with the house. >> there are multiple message one in the farm communities and the rest of america who are worried about food prices? >> the u.s. department of agriculture tur is wide arranging and incredible amount of constituencies. and before this drought it was the big debate. there is a lot of underlying issues even beyond the ones that are taking up their time right now that create a mindfield. >> is that tough to negotiate and navigate as he speaks to many different audiences? >> i don't think so. people have a sense of what the farm community is and how it ties into their every day lives. food prices is on everybody's mind now. the number one thing that you hear, especially the impact on the farmers. food prices are on top of the list. it's not necessarily one message
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or multiple messages but to explain to each one of these sectors in society how farm policy affects them. >> thanks to both of you being here this week. >> coming up tomorrow we'll look at developments in the presidential and congressional campaigns with politico's national politics editor. then we'll look at how the health care law could impact employers and health care costs. president of the national business group on health will be here. and then we are joined by "roll call" staff writer who will talk about what congress is expected to do with the farm bill that expires at the end of september. washington journal with your calls, tweets and emails live on c-span. live coverage in half an hour of
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the mitt romney-paul ryan campaign rally in wisconsin. the republican presidential and vice presidential candidates will be visiting wisconsin. and the democratic campaign, president obama was fundraising today in chicago and coming up next a portion of his second stop of the day with a fundraiser with younger supporters who paid $51 to hear the president in honor of his 51 st birthday. >> even though there is no quick fix, we have everything we need to make things work in america. we still have the best workers in the world and the best entrepreneurs in the world, the best colleges, the best universities, the best scientists, the best researchers. we're a young nation and we have the greatest diversity of
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talent. witness this room. chicago is an example of what makes this country great. [cheers and applause] >> what's holding us back is not the lack of big ideas or good plans. what's holding us back is a brand of washington politics that says we aren't going to compromise no matter what. it's gridlock and stale mate and disfunction -- dysfunction and it's an idea propagated by the other side that somehow we are going to grow this economy from the top down and that if people at the top are doing well then everybody else is automatically going to benefit. now this kind of top-down economics is central to governor romney and it is central to his running mate, just yesterday
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morning, my opponent chose his running mate. the ideological leader of the republican in congress mr. paul ryan -- boo >> no. no. no. i welcome him to the race. congressman ryan is a decent man. he is a family man. he is an articulate spokesman for governor's romney's vision, but it's a vision i fundamental ly disagree with. my opponent and congressman ryan and their allies in congress they all believe that if we just get rid of more regulations on big corporations, and we give more tax breaks to the wealthiest americans, it will lead to jobs and prosperity for
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everybody else. that's what they're proposing. that's where they'll take us if they win. and this isn't speculation, it's on their web sites and embodied in the budget that the house republicans voted for repeatedly. the centerpiece of governor romney's entire economic plan is a new $5 trillion tax cut going to the wealthiest americans on top of the bush tax cuts. last week we found out to pay for this $5 trillion tax cut, not only would we see them gut education investments, gut investments in science and research, gut investments in things like rebuilding our roads and bridges, but it turns out that governors -- governor's romney's plan would raise taxes on middle-class families by
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$2000. not to reduce the deficit or create more jobs. independent economists have said there is nothing in his plan that would create jobs right now. this would all be in order to give another $250,000 tax cut to people who are making $3 million or more. let me tell you something they have tried this before. they have tried to sell us this trickle-down fairy dust before. and guess what? it did not work. it did not work. [cheers and applause] >> it's not a plan to cut the deficit. it's not a plan to create jobs. it's not a plan to revive the middle class. it's not a plan to move our economy forward. we don't need tax cuts to people like me but to working americans, to middle-class
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families, for folks who are trying to raise their kids and keep them healthy and send them to college and keep a roof of their heads. that's the choice in this election and that's why i'm running for a second term as president. [cheers and applause] . >> watch all of the president's remarks at 9:00 eastern followed by mitt romney and paul ryan. this morning, we asked for your thoughts omit romney's v.p. -- on mitt romney's v.p. pick. >> it is the major story. host: ryan v.p. gets the nod. in wisconsin, ryan's rise fueled by passion and hard work. romney's choice representative paul ryan head of the house
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budget committee is voice for fiscal restraint and all kinds of other headlines to take a look at as welcoming from the "new york times," the "washington post" the "sunday state journal" from madison, wisconsin. and getting your comments your thoughts about the choice the announcement made yesterday morning by massachusetts governor mitt romney that representative ryan from wisconsin will be his running mate. our first call comes from sue falls, -- sioux falls south dakota. what did you think of governor romney's choice of paul ryan? caller: i'm particularrled to death being a dem rat. he couldn't have picked a better running mate. host: why do you say that?
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caller: as soon as the older people in the country and minorities and stuff study what mr. ryan's cuts will be for social security medicare, i think they will be less than enthusiastic to support him. host: let's move on to david in iowa, on our line for republicans. caller: i would like to comment. i'm very excited about paul ryan pick for vice president. him and mitt romney will do a great job. host: why do you think ryan is a good pick? caller: he is a very honest, level-headed person and extremely intelligent with the numbers and business wise, i think he will do a good job. host: this is the way the story
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is playing this morning in "the baltimore sun." v.p. pick rallies g.o.p. leaders. they write -- a move that reframed the presidential race as an ideological size over government and fate of medicare, the popular health care programs for seniors. host: if you are in janesville, we would like to hear you and tell us about the paul ryan you
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know. our next call from louisville kentucky on our line for independents. what do you think about the pick? caller: well quite frankly i don't have a very good feeling about mr. romney and this young man seems like he is a nice person, but there's something about him. i don't think he is very experienced and i was not going to vote this year quite frankly but leaning towards obama and one of the reasons is simply because of mr. romney's stance with israel. at least with mr. obama through his administration one the thing i do like that he has done he is trying to stand even-handed with arabs and jews both. and mr. romney, it seems like he wants to revert back to what mr.
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obama's predecessors have done and i think it's wrong. it sends a message that in pro-israel using them to get their votes. that's what i think about it. mr. romney, i didn't know about him and i had a chance to watch some of his interviews that he has done, i know on the idea of gay marriage he was for gay marriage in massachusetts and now he's against it. and at least with mr. obama, at least he is courageous to come out in favor. these issues are just going to be as important as the economy is. i don't think either mr. romney or obama understand what's going on economically. i do agree on one hand mr. obama hasn't done much to fix the economy but i don't think mr. romney is going to do anything
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either. host: jackie on our republican line from pittsburgh. caller: i'm thrilled with paul ryan. i have been watching him for a long time. host: what is it that thrills you? caller: he's young, as -- my mother is on medicare and she's 98 and it's a mess. my kids cannot afford what's going on. we have a $16 trillion debt and at least he is trying to do something. i think he's smart. i have watched him now for a couple of years and i really like his speeches. something has to be done. we can't afford the government we have. host: let me get your response to this. this is from the lead item in the "new york times" this morning.
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>> this was an effort to reset the race. host: your thoughts about that? caller: it does make me happier that he picked paul ryan. i thought if he loses -- i think he would make an excellent president. he just will do something about the debt that we have, which is really scary to me. so, yeah it does make me think
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he will help romney a lot. host: we have to move on to manchester, new hampshire, donald is on our line for independents. caller: it's great that he picked ryan because it's going to come down to independents and independents really don't care for the tea party. and honestly, it's a biggest screw-up as mccain picking palin because he doesn't have a shot now. host: what do you think about this pick? caller: like the last caller what i saw happen, someone making a move out of desperation. new numbers coming showing the president up by nine or 10. romney has abandoned going after
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independents and trying to get their base out, which tells me what's probably going to happen is that we are going to get a real nasty campaign and through every piece of garbage out there to suppress coming out to vote and feel like i don't want to be bother with anybody. host: headline in "the sunday's examiner." bold pick trying to energize party's base. joe does this energize the party's base? caller: i think it does. i actually attended with my family one of the events they had romney and ryan. i think it's a great choice. i think paul ryan is a great speaker, which will be helpful for the next three months.
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clearly the whole idea of our current government is not sustainable, he will address that. he is viewed by both parties as bright, as being able to look at the big issues. i think it was a great choice that romney made. i know some democrats and independents feel that selecting him plays into their hands. i don't see that. i really don't. i think many americans are concerned about our economy right now and concerned about our overspending and bring up medicare as a possible issue. the medicare system needs to be reviewed. so whether it be obama currently or the next president, that will need to be reviewed any way. host: we will leave it there. thanks for the call throughout the morning, we will be showing you parts of the speech that was made by representative ryan yesterday. and accepting the pick from
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governor romney. in this particular portion of his speech, he talks about his commitment and the commitment of governor romney to the american people. this is what representative ryan had to say in for folk. >> the commitment mitt romney and i make to you is this, we won't duck the tough issues. we will lead. [cheers and applause] >> we won't take responsibility -- we won't blame we will take responsibility. [cheers and applause] >> and we won't replace our founding principles, we will reaapply them. [cheers and applause]
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>> we will honor you our fellow citizens by giving you the right and opportunity to make the choice. [cheers and applause] >> what kind of country do we want to have? what kind of people do we want to be? >> free! >> we can turn this thing around. [cheers and applause] >> we can. we can turn this thing around. real solutions can be delivered but it will take leadership. and the courage to tell you the truth. [cheers and applause]
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>> mitt romney is this kind of leader. i'm thrilled to be a part of america's comeback team and together we will reunite america and get this done. thank you. [cheers and applause] host: that's from norfolk virginia, where the announcement was made yesterday and in one of virginia's major papers, the headline this morning romney picks ryan. republican chooses virginia as setting for announcement of ticket number two. back to the phones, new jersey joe is on our line for independents. good morning. caller: good morning. i would like to say why he didn't pick rubio. the press never mentioned that rubio, who is catholic was
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conned into becoming a mormon. and he went back and became a catholic and never want to go back and bring up mormonism and why he went back. romney saved the olympics. salt lake city, utah olympics. the mormons own utah. and then this contrast between o'neil and romney was breathtaking. he makes romney look like romney is in a nursing home. host: who is o'neil? caller: i'm sorry, ryan. host: you brought up religion and congressman ryan is catholic. do you think that will play a part in this election? caller: no, i don't.
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because, i mean -- one thing you got to like about what's going on here it's really brought to the forefront what's going on here, it's whether we are going to have medicare anymore or reduce the payments to doctors to $10 a visit and destroy medicare doing that. so i'm glad it's going to be not about willie horton, but what they are going to do to medicare medicaid. i'm a veteran what they are going to do the veterans, what they're going to do to social security. host: what did you think about the announcement being made on the deck of a destroyer? caller: none of these guys was even a boy scout. the idea that this could be running being the commander in chief of the armed forces of the
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united states when he has -- he was on a ship. he left for europe. he left for france to go around knocking on doors to get christians to change their religion to mormon. host: we move on to louisiana. republican line. tyler, your thoughts about romney's pick to be number two on the republican ticket? caller: i'm very excited about the pick. governor romney did an excellent choice. i believe representative ryan will excite voters. they both have proven records of success. and i believe obama has caused nothing but divisions and romney and ryan will unite the people of this country. host: what is it about the candidacy of these two men together that you think is going
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to ignite the folks, either republicans independents or conservative democrats? caller: i believe the people realize that it's time we stop the singing and romney has talked about that and taking ryan who has introduced his budget, the american people can see they are interested in getting this country back on track. host: we have a tweet from mcblondland and she said ryan said quote i want to privatize your social security, unquote. what could possibly go wrong with giving your social security to wall street? caller: people are smart enough to make their own decisions. we are smart enough to place our money where we want and what is best for us. if money takes our money and do
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what they want, we have no say-so. host: on to illinois, theresa on our line for independents. caller: paul ryan, recycling the same people into government. paul ryan is a seven-term congressman. he's been in the congress since 1999. he's voted for every bill that is the cause of the problems we have today. he voted to repeal glass seigel and voted for medicaid part d and now he wants to fix the problem that was created. why would you want to put the same people in there that caused the problem? i don't understand that. and i want to touch on this religion thing. people republicans talk about the middle east and how
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religion, how they fight about religion and all of that. the american people need to look in the mirror because the same thing is happening in this country. host: we have two items from facebook. this one is from say it out loud. ryan was part of the spend, spend, spend congress. ryan is part of the do-nothing obstruct congress. bad choice for america.
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host: back to the phones, denver, colorado. our line for democrats. you are on "washington journal." caller: mr. romney and mr. ryan -- they're not serious about our country. they don't care about the little guy. i'm a disabled veteran. my family is devastated with what republicans have done. bush in there. and number two, they never won an election. they took the election from mr. gore because of voting in
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florida, like today, trying to destroy the vote so they can win and that is un-american. i didn't fight for that. and i thank c-span for taking my call. host: lead editorial in "new york daily news"." chairman of the house budget committee ryan has been the architect of low tax and lower spending proposals that republicans advocate as catalyst for economic revival and american prosperity.
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host: ogden kansas norma on our lines for republicans. your thoughts about the choice of mr. ryan to be the vice presidential nominee. caller: neither one of them talk about very much what they will try to do again if president obama gets re-elected. they are too busy shrinking mud at each other. i quit watching it. also, my husband was a retired u.s. army veteran i live on social security and survivors' benefits. i get medicare and tricare. i'm well with insurance but if they change it, i cannot afford to pay co-payments. congress should quit fighting between themselves and get together and do what we put them in there for and listen to the
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president. they don't necessarily have to do what he wants but should start doing what is best for our country. this is what is wrong mainly congress. host: dorothy calling from cleveland, ohio, ryan's hope, romney taps wisconsin congressman for veep. caller: i think it is a very bad pick. i can't see us getting romney to be the president of the united states. ryan wants to do away with medicare and medicaid and give the tax breaks to the rich. i realize we are debted -- we are in a big debt, but you cannot cut the deficit without revenues. and you also can't give all the
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cuts to the middle class and the lower class and ask the up class to pay nothing. and you want to take the rest of the money after you have slashed everything and put billions and billions of dollars in the military. you can't have it both ways. one thing about president obama, he is fighting for the middle man and the middle class and he realizes you have to have revenue to take the deficit down . and we have to as americans, realize that we got to have it even playing field to either slash budget and you know bring the middle class up. and i don't like this pick. and you know they say why african americans do not vote republican. first of all they don't have our interests. second of all i would never vote for a party that would try
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to suppress my vote. have a blessed day. .
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if you go to this program because it will be $6,000 more, the other thing is when it comes to your social security and everything, they let people put it into the stock market. they did that in chilr. i am sure people can google c- span and see paul ryan at the meeting. host: i want our listeners listen in to an advertisement that is already out. obama for america has put out of this ad regarding paul ryan as the republican choice to be the vice-presidential nominee. >> he put on a comprehensive plan rewriting the health-care
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system. our entire tax system. i think it would be marvelous if the senate were to pick up, right and a budget to adopt it. -- paul reilly and budget to adopt it. >> the call ryan -- paul r yan turned it into a system. it cuts aid to immigrants and children and to the elderly. >> it did cut grants by $100 billion >> the cuts are so traumatic and painful. >> it gives a $4.30 trillion tax cut to the wealthiest in this country. >> mitt romney became president. you are convinced he would follow through? >> he s. >>yes.
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>> in this morning's new york post the ryan blockbuster. he brings to the ticket and an unshakable commitment to the principles. consumer choice and if he approaches the nation's problem with the maturity that should shame most of his colleagues. it'll take the courage to tell you the truth. >> we are talking for the next half hour to choose paul ryan of
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wisconsin as his running mate. our next call comes from massachusetts. >> good morning, america. i have two questions. what i was watching and c- span, i can wondering how many tax break turns did ryan have to come in for romney to check over? >> our governor did not raise taxes. what he did do is double its the price on the hunting license. >> let me ask you this.
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are still there? >> yes. >> in the business section they have the headline, what romney tells about how he would run america. the plan >> is that how you saw him handle the situation? >> he wasted a lot of money on that big hole in the ground. it was other people's money not romney. >> that is robert from massachusetts talking about the governor and his perceptions on how he took care of the big dayig.
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back to the phones. >> you are on the washington journal. i have two comments to make. i the ticket is very simple. i am wondering if you will be the new permanent replacement. >> i do not think that will happen. we just like to mix things up a little bit. >> there are some things i don't agree with. >> we like to mix things up. and to keep their viewers on
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their toes. >> thank you para. >> i would like to talk about this portion. me being young i do not know a lot about politics. overseas they dream about coming to america because of the religious freedom. at the same time, we are the most religiously people there are. mormon is source said the same thing as a christian.
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ryan has already been improving to not allow us this. why would he already be a good candidate? why have another two people. why would we do that? >> we will leave it there. >> no. romney picks a path. they are likely to steer the race toward fiscal issues. we're talking about all that in what ever else you want to throw in the conversation regarding the choice by the governor met ronnie.
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thank you for waiting. i think it was a great pay period after he made the choice yesterday, he goes back saying the president is running such a low campaign. i listened to the source events. his campaign is lower than the president's. he says the president is corrupt. he says he is opposed to the president signing the welfare bill.
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he says he is opposed to government health care, yet he was the first governor to implemented. i think he's completely hypocritical. my mind is not changed at all. he reminds me of richard nixon. he's going to have to release his tax returns and prove to me that he's not a cheap. host: off of twitter -- she's talking about her perception of the congressmen and the governor having no foreign policy experience. will that be a factor when you go to the polls? caller: 5 party made my decision. from new releases his tax
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returns and starts talking about these ideas and prove he's not a hypocrite and talks about giving, being generous to other people and so forth, he stands a chance of me even looking at it. as far as i'm concerned why make a change in foreign policy when you have a team right now that seems to be doing a pretty good job? we certainly do not need to accelerate the israel-arab conflict by overly leaning towards israel. i do not think that romney has an adequate foreign-policy resume out all. neither did the president when he came in and i will admit that. host: governor romney made the announcement yesterday in north pulte, va., and talked about right and being a leader in the republican party. here is what the governor had to say. [video clip] >> with energy and vision, paul ryan has become a leader of the republican party. he understands the physical challenges facing america crushing debt coming in the fiscal catastrophe that awaits us as we do not change course. he combines a profound sense of
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responsibility for what we of the next generation with an unbounded optimism in america's future and an understanding of all the things the american people can do. he also combines firmer principles with a practical concern for getting things done. he's never been content to simply curse the darkness. he would rather light a candle. throughout his legislative career, he has shown the ability to work with members of both parties to find common ground on some of the hardest issues confronting the american people. paul and i are beginning on a journey of will take us to every corner of america. we are offering a positive agenda leading to economic growth, widespread and shared prosperity, and improve the lives of our fellow citizens. host: talking about the choice by governor romney to pick congressman paul ryan as his running mate in the 2012
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republican ticket. lisa from oklahoma city, okla. caller: good morning. paul ryan voted for part d tarp, the auto bailout. he claims he is fiscally responsible? as far as leadership and character, neither him nor romney has spoken out against anything the republicans have said about president obama. there are people demonizing him for being "kenyan born." where the leadership there? there is no honest your courage. it will be these same thing we have had for the last 10 years. you all have a good day.
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clay host: charles louisiana on our line for democrats. are you there? victor? caller: hello? host: yes? caller: barbara from missouri. host: what you think about the choice made by governor romney? caller: it will be bad for america as they become president and vice-president. romney shows he is a wealthy man who believes that only wealthy people count and brian has made a budget that shows he agrees with that. host: in the madison, wisconsin, largest reporting team, the headline -- "ryan, romney off to the races." next on airline for republicans you are on the "washington journal."
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caller: i do not know how the choice of ryan will work out. at last -- about his budget, at least the has a point to start somewhere. if the senate would negotiate with demand, with a budget. i'm amazed at the hypocrisy of these democrats when they talk about experience. obama never had a job in his life. on a more monism, i noticed that obama on friday celebrated ramadan with the muslims. does that make him a muslim? i don't know. i just do not understand these people when they complain all the time. you do they think is paying for all of the free gifts that obama is handing out?
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thank you. host: we have an editorial from this morning's "new york daily news." this is by a democratic strategist. you cannot borrow like ability on that front. he ultimately stands alone. he also goes on to say -- i gained real inside when working for john silber the democratic nominee for governor in massachusetts. he was a unique candidate and non-politician who ran for office for the first time as the sitting president of boston university.
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atlanta, georgia, michael on our line for independents. caller: who was talking about hypocrisy? this is big for his father social security benefits when his father passed that an early age. i do not hold that against him but when you look at the family business which started in 1884 to look at some of the contracts they had with the
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federal government to the fbi building to a probation center. this guy is pretty much insane. his mandatory reason when he started off in politics was ayn rand, an atheist. when you look at this guy's mentality he and his family benefited from this. it's complete hypocrisy. people need to be careful. now he says thomas aquinas is his idol as opposed to the atheist ayn rand. have a good day. host: michael in atlanta georgia bringing up ayn rand. have two messages on facebook also bringing that up.
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cynthia writes -- response from leaders in congress include this statement from some majority leader harry reid. he says, "by picking representative paul ryan romney has doubled down on his commitment to gut social security and end medicare as we know it. this choice demonstrates that
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catering to the tea party and the far right is more important to him than standing up for the middle-class. in springfield, mass., on our line for democrats. caller: good morning. host: your thoughts about your former governor? caller: i think it's a good match. you'll probably find more honesty in this election brian than you will find out from romney. we're still trying to repair the conditions in terms of safety issues from the big dig that started when ronny was governor of massachusetts. it includes more than the tunnel, by the way. the other thing the gentleman talk about is that the negative aspects of government. ryan has been in government all his adult life. he has voted for two wars that the american people had to put
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on a credit card that we're still paying for with a lot of the debt that comes up feature in our budget having to do with indebtedness that we are obligated to pay. it is a result of borrowing money to pay for the war in iraq, an illegal war. and the wars in iran and afghanistan. they talk about the president being a welfare president. most of the population of the united states on welfare are white people. it was not created for black people it was created for the white fall. host: we're talking about the presumptive republican nominee's pick of paul ryan to be his running mate. reaction from capitol hill. this is from representative john
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boehner, the speaker of the house. "paul ryan is a reformer and a proven leader who will be a great partner to governor romney in his efforts to get our country and our economy back on track. paul ryan and mitt romney will focus on common sense solutions to stop washington from spending money it does not have and get the federal government out of the way of small business job creators." that is the response from speaker of the house john boehner. kissimmee, fla., you are on "washington journal." turn your television set down? caller: good morning. how were you?
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host: what are your thoughts on romney's picked up paul ryan? caller: i'm over the moon. i love both of those guys, but ryan has the skills the country needs as far as putting a budget together which obama has not done in four years. i think his confidence in himself and his abilities match from a. -- romney. people are calling in saying he is going to steal welfare and medicare, i'm 62 and day disabled veteran on medicare. they said yesterday that they will not touch anybody's medicare or welfare 65 or over. they need to listen to what they're saying. host: let me get your response to this tweet.
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what are our thoughts on that? caller: i think it's a crock. i do not think he is going to finance medicare and social security through wall street. he's going to try and installing a voucher system, but what he's trying to do, and what you will do with romney, is instill in our youngsters to stay off welfare and go to work go to school, get a good job, and put an end to social security through a private savings account giving them a choice. if we do not do something, what this country will go over the proverbial financial cliff. host: jacksonville fla., good morning.
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caller: good morning. it's my understanding that there is a cap on social security of $110,000 and that if everyone who draws a paycheck would pay from january 1st until december 31st, it seems to me that social security would be very stable for years to come. this in my first time calling in and i'm a little nervous. i've been watching c-span for many, many years. it's the only sensible television that you can get any sense regarding politicians. host: we appreciate your urge your show. in the leader-telegram they
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have been serving wisconsin since 1881. there leave the story, "ryan's meteoric rise fueled by passion and hard worked." during his speech yesterday ryan talked about his record of getting things done and how he hopes that will work together
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with governor romney's time at bain capital. [video clip] >> i believe my record of getting things done in congress will be a complement to his executive and private sector success outside washington. [applause] i've worked closely with republicans as well as democrats to an advance an agenda of economic growth, fiscal default -- fiscal discipline and job creation. >> we take you like for a romney/ryan campaign rally. speaking now is scott walker. you are watching live coverage. >> mitt romney showed us
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yesterday that hise is not only experience but he has the courage to lead this country. he made a bold decision. it is not as big for wisconsin. it is a great deal for wisconsin. paul ryan will be a great vice president. think about it. mitt romney had the experience we need to turn america around. this is a guy who in the private sector in the media it tried to make excuses about this, this is a lear who stood up and turn companies around. there are thousands of people working today because of his leadership in private sector. that is where we may jobs, not
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in government. then a decade ago this is the last night of the olympics. i've been watching the olympics. it has been spectacular. remember a decade ago in 2002 we nearly had a global embarrassment to the united states backs mitt romney came in and saved the day and almost single-handedly turn the olympics around. we have a leader who can turn things around in the private sector. he can turn things around for america. as governor people forget this. remember the big dig? it was a disaster. and a runny got to work like a
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great leader does. -- he got to work like a great leader does. he can do it in the private sector. he can turn america around. he has the courage and the olympics to be the next president of the united states. are you ready? are you ready to hear from the next president of the united states? welcome governor mitt romney and c-span.orgpaul ryan.
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>> thank you everybody. thank you wisconsin. it is good to be home. i tell you. i love wisconsin.
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i see my family over here. i have a lot of family. i tell you what. my family came here back in the 1800's. it is where we have raised our family ever since. it is such a phenomenal place to live to work, to raise your family. i am thinking about a deer camp
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over a in fairchild. our children. we live on the block eiger up on. my veins runs cheese, bratwurst, and a little spotted cow and some miller. i was raised by the bucs and brewers. i like to fish here. i like to snowmobile here. i even think i should fishing region as a fishing is interesting.
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at to tell you what this means to be home. i want to say thanks to my friend scott walker. my friend writes this. what we learned in this state a little while ago is that we want to elect men and women who run for office and tell us who they really are, who they believe, what they're going to do. when they get elected, and they
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do that. that is what we do here in wisconsin. we are ready. cotton we implemented our leaders. we said keep doing it. courage one. we say it was confident that day. in november, we will help save
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america that day. i see so many familiar faces. >> we are all family. >> we are. and that was my brother that said that. -- was not my brother that said that. [laughter] we have to make a decision. the president came into office with so much hope offering so much change. he got the power he wanted. he got the party in control.
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he passed almost every item on his agenda. it is law now. now we're seeing the results. a country with a health care system that is about to be taken over. a country with four yearsw of the trillion dollar deficit. the worst economic situation in years. nearly one in six americans are in poverty today. do you know what that we're not going to take that. we're going to turn this thing around. the good news is this. we can do this. we can turn this around. we can get this economy turned
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around. we can get the economy back to work. i look at my kid. sam, i am over here. [laughter] i look at my kids. it has been a long day for him. i let my kids and i want them to have the future i had. that is what my dad told me. and this country, every generation makes things better and leaves their kids better off. it is our duty to save the american dream for our children. we have a big choice to make. if we look at the path we're on and all the things the president has been doing more governments, more regulations the promise of a lot more taxes
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we see a president who took what we pioneered here, getting people back to work and dignity and on to a lack of hitting their potential. if this president is going to do these kinds of things in very difficult election year, imagine what he would do the never had to face the voters ever again. we're not going to find out. here is our choice. we can either stick with the politics of the past, with distracting and starting.
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we can put ourselves on the path toward a welfare state where we now see the government's role as not promoting economic avidity by giving us a new government rights, putting the government in charge. driving our economy. picking winners and losers. equalizing the outcomes. this country is so special. this state is so special. it is the only country founded on an idea. it is very special. that idea is the declaration of independence. our right come from nature and god not from government. [cheers and applause]
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here is our choice. do we want that opportunity, at the safety net where people can make the most of their lives and get ahead or do we want to go down a pack of debt and despair? do we want to copy europe? no. is to take leadership. it take courage. it will take another objection that we had none could 2010 to get this right. when we do, we will look back at this moment as the day our generation fixed it so the american idea was turned back and our children have a brighter future. as you now know, i spent some time with this man lately. we need a man of integrity. we need a leader of principle. we need somebody who has a
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bedrock principles, a moral compass, a vision for the country, and the expertise to put that vision into place. those are the things that describe this man mitt romney. when you see how this man how warmly is to his family, it to his associates, when you see the successes he has achieved raising a beautiful family, creating small businesses, creating jobs, this is a person who knows that if you have a
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small business you did build that. this is a man who win the olympics was struggling the country called him to revive it. this is a man who as governor walked across the aisle, and got things done, balance the budget without raising taxes increases the credit rating, and increase household income by providing leadership. this is a special moment for all of us. we are all family. this is it. this is the election. we owe you the choice so
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you can decide what kind of country we will be. we won the election where we turn your support. where we win because you said go fix the mess in washington. we are going to fix this mess in washington. this is an exceptional nation. this is the greatest idea appeared there is no other system that has done more to help the poor, a spread opportunity, to help people rise up than the american system of freedom and free enterprise. we have a leader here who understands that. who knows how to deliver that. that is our contract with you.
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ladies and gentlemen, we're going to do this. we're going to turn this around. this man is a mitt romney. he will be the next president of the united states of america. ♪>> thank you. what a welcome. i guess you think i made the right decision and the right choice. this is another big step to
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restore the promise of america. people ask me why i chose paul ryan. the answer is i wanted someone who was a leader. leadership comes from character. this is a man who has real character, who loves america. to understand what it takes to get america on the right track. this america will help get america strong. i know what most people go to washington they are filled with ambition. he decided that america needed to have someone who would go to washington not thinking about how he could beat up on other people. it was someone who would go there to make a real difference. this is a man who recognizes
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that people have differences of opinion if they are honest. we reached across the aisle. he worked with people in the democratic party. as a result, he is the man who in washington is of knowledge is recognized, is seen as an intellectual leader. he is respected. as vice president, he will be respected by people across the nation and world. this is a critical time. you know this is a critical time for the country. you are here to celebrate the selection of an extraordinary guy. you also know this is a time of great seriousness for the nation. we have 23 million people out of work.
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[chanting "usa"] you see this group here is respectful of other people's rights to be heard. here we believe and listening to the people with dignity and respect. there is no question but if you followed the campaign of barack obama he will do everything to make this the lowest, meanest,
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campaign in history. this is going to be a campaign about ideas and the future of america. this is about america's future for your children and the world. take your campaign out of the better. the stock about the real issues america faces people in america are hurting right now. the middle class is struggling. incomes have dropped by $4,000. utility costs are up. gasoline prices are up. people want to know of america is line to come back. its is i am going to do five things. we're glad to work together to get five things and that will get our economy roaring back.
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we will take advantage of our energy resources as well as nuclear, oil gas, coal. we are going to make sure that our kids and our workers have the skills they need to succeed. we're going to put work back into welfare. no. 3 we are going to have trade that works for america. below open up new markets. when people cheat like china has, there will be consequences. number four, we are going to do something that paul has been wanting to do for years. when we have republicans in house and senate and the white house, we will cut federal spending and get america on track to the balanced budget.
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we are going to champion small business. we will help them grow and thrive. i cannot believe that the other day when i saw that quote of the president in virginia appeared at cannot believe he said that. if you have a business, you did not build it. someone else did that. then he said it is not fair. you took me out of context. go on youtube. read the context. you will find the context is worse than the quote. he said there are lots of smart people. he may think it is because you're working hard but a lot of people work hard. i cannot figure out where he was going. in this country we celebrate
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people who reach, a dream aspire, and cheese. that is the nature of how america works. when the guy or gal from the factory in says i took the class at the community college and i got some more skills, we celebrate and acknowledged that. when the kid says i made the honor roll, we celebrate that child. we say way to go. you make that happen. i know for them to make the honor roll they had to ride on a bus to get to school and there is a bus driver. but if he gets the honor roll a he is the credit not the bus driver. this country is going to come roaring back. if we did those five things you
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will see america's economy come back and create great jobs, more take-home pay. you will be convinced that the future is brighter for your children. i have seen the. of america across this land. one thing that is me the greatest confidence in our future is that therewhat lies in the hearts of the american people a patriotism and a conviction that america is a great nation. we were all moved at the welcome you gave him. we were a touch. tears filled my eyes. i know you felt the


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